How We Help Share the Warmth
Winters in Western Washington bring a whole new set of challenges to our unhoused neighbors. Through our Homeless Prevention & Basic Needs Program, we are able to lend an extra hand in protecting those in need against the harsh elements. Check out these four ways we’re working to help share the warmth this winter.
1. Emergency Motel Stays
With our Short-Term Motel Shelter Program, neighbors in need can stay out of the cold and rain, having a space to rest and figure out their next steps. Throughout the freezing rain towards the end of December, we had more than 30 individuals in motel rooms and authorized extensions through the weekend. This kept a roof over the head of our neighbors in need on Christmas day. Before the weekend of Christmas, between November and mid-December, we had already provided emergency motel stays to 48 people.
2. Cold Weather Kits
A majority of our neighbors in need lack basic necessities that can keep them warm. Along with hygiene items, our cold weather kits are filled with a blanket, gloves, 2 pairs of socks, a hat, hot hands, ChapStick, a mylar blanket and a poncho. From November to mid-December, we distributed 63 kits. These kits make a world of a difference to those who are unprepared for the elements.
3. Additional Cold Weather Items
In addition to the cold weather kits, we’re handing out extra blankets and socks as needed. Since the beginning of November through mid-December, we’ve distributed 160 blankets as well as over 350 pairs of socks.
We are also providing these materials along with water and cold weather kits to outreach teams who are going into encampments. Supplies are picked up at St. Vincent de Paul and are allocated throughout Pierce County.
4. In-Kind Thrift Store Vouchers
Often we provide in-kind vouchers to our Tacoma Thrift Store. During the winter, this allows our neighbors in need to purchase clothes, jackets and other items that can help keep them warm. These vouchers also provide the freedom of selecting their own items.
Help us share the warmth. Donate to our Homeless Prevention & Basic Needs Program today!