Eviction Prevention Resources
The pandemic and its effects will be felt in our communities for months and years to come. St. Vincent de Paul of Tacoma, Pierce County continues to help our neighbors in need facing immediate financial crisis. We assist with basic needs, such as gas cards, short-term motel shelter, grocery vouchers, utilities, ID cards, prescriptions and more. With the eviction moratorium ending June 30, here are some critical resources to help those facing eviction. Please share this with anyone that may need help.
What to do if you're facing eviction
Step 1: Know your rights
When faced with an eviction notice, DO NOT move out. Eviction is a legal process that takes time. There are many steps a landlord must take in order for an eviction can happen.
Do not sign anything until you consult a legal representative. FREE legal counsel is available at tacomaprobono.org or call 2-1-1 for additional free legal assistance resources.
Step 2: Apply for rental assistance through Pierce County Human Services
Go to housinghelp.piercerentalassistance.org to apply online for rental assistance from Pierce County Human Services or call 2-1-1 if internet is not available. This process takes time but you must apply to help avoid eviction.
Pierce County Human Services will speed up the rental assistance process for any applicant with an eviction notice. You must contact Pierce County with this information at hsrent@piercecountywa.gov.
Step 3: Have your information ready and available
To start the rental assistance application, have these documents/information available.
‣ Name and date of birth for all adults on the lease
‣ A copy of your lease agreement
‣ Gross monthly income
‣ Contact information for your landlord.
After you apply for rental assistance thru Pierce County Human Services and assigned to a funding agency, you will need proof of income or unemployment and a statement of past due rent. Your landlord will need to provide a W9.
CCS reopens Family Housing Network Center for families experiencing homelessness
Catholic Community Services reopened the Family Housing Network Day Center at 5050 South Tacoma Way on Monday, June 7th. The remodel has updated the air filtration system for reduced COVID-19 risk and created private meeting rooms for those seeking help.
Families experiencing homelessness can drop in during its expanded hours:
‣ Monday: 9 am to 7 pm
‣ Tuesday: 9 am to 7 pm
‣ Wednesday: 12 pm to 7 pm
‣ Thursday: 9 am to 7 pm
‣ Friday: 9 am to 7 pm
‣ Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm
‣ Sunday: 9 am to 5 pm
Services include showers, laundry, shared computers, kitchen facilities and lunches, and service navigation assistance. For more information, call (253) 471-5340.
You can help
Donations to St. Vinnie's Homeless Prevention & Basic Needs Program go directly into the hands of those in need, regardless of race, religion or orientation. Share our contact info with anyone needing help. SVdP Helpline: Assistance@svdptacoma.org